Smartphone App Development

In the fields of healthcare, lifestyle, business and others, apps that allow easy collection and utilization of information are gaining popularity, leading to an increase in the number of such apps.

We offer one-stop services from plan proposals to development and operation for non-game apps (education, entertainment, map&GPS related, healthcare, IoT app, etc.) for smartphones and tablets (iOS and Android).

We also respond to and provide support for diverse customer needs, including the development of cooperative apps with wearable devices as well as apps for corporate branding and promotion.

Development Environment

Programming / markup languagesC#, C++, Objective-C, Java, HTML5, SQL, etc.
Scripting languagesJavaScript, ruby, perl, php, etc.
Applicable operating systemsAndroid OS, iOS, etc.
Development toolsUnity, Visual Studio, Eclipse, Xcode, etc.

Development Record

We have a proven track record in developing a wide variety of content, including investment-related learning apps and IoT-related apps. In addition to over 990 mobile content titles (including native apps and web apps) developed, including smartphone games, we also have extensive experience in operations.

Smartphone App Development

For inquiries on development projects

We will guarantee confidentiality on your inquiry. Personal information such as your name, phone number and email address provided in the inquiry form shall be used solely to respond to the inquiry. Depending on the inquiry, it may take some time for us to get back to you.

Inquiry Form